Take-aways from Taylorism as a Management System Taylor was able to create a system that reliably scaled the replication/production of finished goods in a predictable time frame; this system is an notable improvement.  Taylor’s system outperformed having a “no systemic” approach by as much as 3X.
Staff selection and training of best practices were critical success factor.
Aligning motivations of management to staff to the nature of the work is a critical success factor.  But, the nature and motivations of creative work are vastly different.
Gantt charts were originally designed to track staff achieving bonuses by reaching productions quotas.  Whereas this practice works for known replication of goods, offering incentives for quotas doesn’t apply to innovation, not even remotely.
Creative work is nothing like production work.  It’s full of: unknowns; trial-and-error; hopefully some learning; and, the application of imagination. 
If the work is unpredictable, can we have an improved creative management system? 
Yes, but as the nature of the work is different, and the problems being solved are different, the system must necessarily be focused on those differences to reach 3X. Dimension #1 – Conclusions on Scientific Management. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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