Billing, revenue recognition and collections, the natural intersect of engineering and accounting Billing/Invoicing – creating bills and generating invoices for delivered products or services which reflect as “receivable” assets on a companies balance sheet.  In retail, money due is billed and collected at the point of sales (i.e. cash register, website, etc.) 
Impacts to us: for online sales, our staff might be asked to pipeline billing, licensing and support of products sold in an online, retail fashion.  Automating this work can have a significant positive impact to the velocity of sales and deliver of products.
Monetization – In Business-to-Business (B2B) companies, the customer is often required to sign-off on delivery of products or services in fulfillment of accrual accounting rules that allow for the booking of revenue prior to the actual collection.
Impacts to us: Our staff might be asked to bill time to projects in order to facilitate billing, or project level accounting, or governmental/contractual-required reporting
If there’s an issue blocking revenue recognition, our staff might be engaged in order to resolve product or service issues – these kind of engagements can be very intense as millions of dollars is often riding on our team’s abilities to finish the engagement. Dimension #1 – Liquidation, Accounting Billing. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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