Introduction to the three prevailing management systems Dominant management systems evolved out of the activities and essential nature of the resource being worked, each system being optimized to facilitate its type of work. 
Creative Management – management of innovation which focuses on inspiring creative staff using shared conception motivators in order to create highly desired products and services that transform companies and communities.
Implementation Management – management of order fulfillment which evolved from Fredrick Taylor’s Scientific Management used to replicate and deliver goods, commonly associated with Piece Work, Task and Bonus, and Peter Drucker’s Management by Objective, MBOs, methods of incentivizing achievement of targeted quotas.
Liquidation Management – management of cash and ROI via liquidation of existing investments, leveraging of credit, and subsequent reinvestment and funding of cash in more favorable investments, and associated cash accounting and reporting. 
All three dominant management systems manifest elements of governance over the type of resource they manage in order to best utilize the resource in a sustainable way. . Dimension #1 – Management Systems, Big Three. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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