Software engineering, the creative nature of the work By definition, Management Systems evolve out of the nature of work in the domain.
In the case of software, engineers create a series of instructions that are designed to digitally transform our lives through: automation of tasks and workflows, or by enhancing capabilities via improved apparatus, or by forming digital entertainment.
This uncertain digital journey of transformation proceeds from the minds of the software engineers and other creative staff through a process of value discovery.
Can this journey happen predictably by plan?  Not so much, the work is uncertain.
Can this journey be effectively coerced?  The research says: no, not in a good way.
Can creative staff be effectively motivated?  Yes, through use of Creative Attractors.
Is there a need for creative management?  Yes, even more so than other domains.
Given the above considerations as to the nature of the work, can we safely conclude?
Software management should be a non-coercive, creative system that sustainably organizes, motivates, and governs the creation of compelling, digital transformations that proceed from the minds of energized creative staff attracted to the opportunity. Dimension #1 – Nature of Creative Software Work. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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