Software is disrupting and exponentially reshaping our businesses, communities, and global society What is the significance of Software?. Software changes the way we live, work and play through
            enhancement, automation and entertainment;

The world’s top companies are increasingly comprised of 
	technology firms, and that number is growing

We are at the beginning of a torrent of change 
            that is massively disrupting businesses 
            and reshaping society as we know it. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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Our mission is to strengthen the careers of software leaders by sharing as much software management theory, research and knowledge as humanly possible. We encourage you to join the mission by using our materials for personal growth, sharing among friends, and mentoring within your company; however, commercial training use must be licensed.

Our Funding model is to: provide certification and live training services as desired and requested by our community. We do this so that our staff can buy pop tarts, pay their bills, and produce more career boosting content, research and tools.

We require that our copyright notices are left in place.