Understanding the ramifications of the Equation of Discovery Truth #1 – Ramifications of Equation of Discovery. Overdriving a Change Engine looks like:  C(v) = .02;  C(f) = .48;  C(c) = .50
Because you’re not getting to done, you’re not likely to monetize the change, therefore it’s all Chaos and Filler – unfinished change is waste, even good change.
In this case, the Change Engine produces waste until the business bleeds out
Change Engine Isolated from the Market:  C(v) = .05;  C(f) = .80;  C(c) = .15
Lacking a strong adoption pipeline and target market means that even good ideas don’t gain traction, Change not adopted = filler; but… 
Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut!.   Examples of How Change Coefficient Interrelate:. C(v) of less than .20 is a common value for Value Discovered
Expect to toss, refactor, refine much of what you createIt’s not important where your Value Coefficient starts, it’s the vector (↗) that counts.  Overtime, cultures of Discovery outperform in C(v).
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