List of common Constraints to Adoption that should be proactively addressed Truth #3 – Additional Constraints . External Constraints:
Gap in Technology
First build a time machine…
Then go back in time
Then give Scotty the formula for Transparent Aluminum 
IP held by Scaled Competitor
Patents held by scale competitors can sometimes present as a significant barrier to market entry
Regulatory Restrictions & Concerns
Lack of Proper Funding
The Change Engine may be Untrusted
Leadership have to sell the Vision and make an attractive, facts-based case for real ROI
Customer-base Needs Development
The customer doesn’t understand the need!!!

. Internal Constraints:
Solution-Based Constraints
Poor performance, does not scale to market need
Abuse of MVP, does not have feature set to actually fulfill market need
Accumulated Technical Debt
Missing Viral Adoption Agents
Instability – Lack of Characterization
Lack Support and Serviceability of Solution
Lack Sales Enablement, Order Automation
Cultural Constraints
Lack of Empowerment of Team
Unvirtuous Myths believed by the Team
Lack of Discovery, not a Learning Organization
Systemically Neglecting Big Picture Ideation
Lack of Conception, missing Creative Management

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