Ramifications of the shared creative Anticipation on Creative Staff, Leaders, and Customers Truth #4 – Shared Creative Anticipation Motivation. Creative Attractors are ultimately an envisioned place holder of an epic solution that hovers over the market opportunity, a rallying cry to come build something great; but, it is the Anticipation of the promised solution that keeps all actors engaged through the uncertain, occasionally frustrating, and often difficult journey of discovery.
Leaders – Leaders possessed with anticipation will saturate the Creative Team and Investors with the story of the Creative Attractor, spreading hope to all as they go!
Creative Team – as engagement in the SA grows, anticipation grows; as anticipation grows, engagement grows, resulting in an impassioned journey of solution discovery.
Customers – High anticipations results in customers pulling the solution from you.   Customers start researching and planning adoption, budgeting capital and resources. In B2B, they begin planning a enterprise rollout; In B2C, customers possessed with high levels of anticipation wait in long lines during the night of the product launch!
Investors – high levels of anticipation can lead to having to turn-away some investors!. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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