Ramifications of the Shared-Belief is Missing for Actors Truth #4 – When Belief Motive is Missing for Actors. What happens when the actors in the equation don’t believe in the Creative Attractor?  What are the ramifications of coercing engagement from a position of authority? 
Leaders – Leaders that don’t believe in the mission avoid personally investing, minimize involvement, and look to other activities and ventures for fulfillment.
Creative Team – Tasking creative staff with something they don’t believe in, or isn’t viable, is totally demotivating; forcing engagement feels like a personal violation!
Customers – If the Market doesn’t believe your Creative Attractors are viable, they will concluded that you’re misallocating your R&D Capital which (to them) foretells of your decline as a vendor.  They will quietly begin to search for a replacement vendor.
Investors – (special case) investors can quietly cash-starve you into alignment with their belief, or replace your up chain, or they might just progressively divest in the venture replacing your organization with more congenial investment or acquisitions.
Lacking belief, Actors focus on delivering releases rather than fulfilling the true need. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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