Change Conception is a Market theory and a Solution Theory, now it would be nice if the slide actually said that. Managing Creative Activity: #1 Change Conception. Managing strong Change Conception falls into two broad categories:
Discovering and evolving Market Opportunities (Market Theory)
Market opportunities = unsolved big problems or new big ideas (preferably both)
Adjacent to a market space in which customers are presently spending money
Sustained value of the opportunity necessarily must exceed the sustained cost 
Discovering and evolving Strong Attractors (Solution Theory)
Strong Value Propositions, discovering embodiments that fulfill a significant portions of the Strong Attractors
+Viral Adoption Agents, evolving strategy to penetrate market. Effective Change necessarily is inspired by one or more Strong Attractors
Excellent staff seek-out leaders that foster and emote Strong Attractors 
There are R&D Patterns (Google Design Sprints) and theories (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) that help the team discover Strong Attractors
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